Wedding & Portrait photography

Hi, my name is

Hannah Gore



My name is Hannah Gore. I am a self taught, natural light photographer based out of Valley Springs and serving all surrounding areas. I have loved photography since I was a teenager, taking pictures starting with wind up-throw away camera, then a cellphone and evolved to where I am today! I am definitely a small town gal, my days consist of working with my amazing clients and being a  mother to my 3 kids. My family is my reason for being! Family has always been so majorly important to me and something I will always treasure and appreciate. I am an absolute animal lover and have my little farm babies, I have a hard time saying no to farm babies that need a home, we can make room for one more....right? I realized I would love to not only to capture moments for myself and my life, but be able to pause time for someone else to be able to look at forever and cherish. Being a mother of 3,I know how fast your kids can grow. Pictures are so incredibly important. The client-photographer relationship is one I deeply treasure. I love to create a bond with my clients and consider more of a friendship rather than just hiring a random photographer. Theres nothing better than photographing a family and watching them grow through the years, or photographing a beautiful wedding and later that couple scheduling a maternity session. It makes my heart happy to be able to share and experience so many of my clients huge milestones.

If my work is something that calls to you, and you think that we will be a good fit.. I look forward to hearing and working with you!

K i n d W o r d s

THANK YOU! We take a lot of pictures as a family because I just feel like preserving memories are so important. It’s all my kids will have of me one day, and I want them to be able to relive or see what joy they brought me! I mean it when I say that this is by far the favorite session I’ve ever had with my kids. It showcases everything being a mom means to me and I’m forever grateful I’ve had this opportunity.

The Fouts

I just wanted to send you a text and tell you again how much we appreciate your work. You captured so much emotion and love, not just of the photos of Ricky and I, but also family and friends. I’m forever. Grateful to have this forever. My friends and family. I recommend you to them as well. Thank you so much Hannah. Truly are a blessing in this is definitely your calling.

Jessika M.