Holiday Sessions

this time with your family is so important

The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and most importantly, a time to make fun, happy memories with your family. As this holiday season approaches, be sure to plan how and when you are going to capture a picture of your family, your kids, and your loved ones during this time. If you were looking for a way to do this, I highly recommend holiday sessions!

Book a Session

Holiday Session Packages & Pricing

Retainer due at time of booking

Pricing Packages

Christmas Truck Session

from: $200

Up to 20 minute session
15 edited digital images
Online gallery
Up to 5 people every additional person is $20 per person.

Christmas Couch Session

from: $200

Up to 15 minute session
15 edited digital images
Online Gallery
Up to to 5 people every additional person is $20 per person

Sleigh Mini Session

from: $120

Up to 10 minute session
6 edited digital images
Online Gallery
No limit on kids, but more than 3 I suggest to book two time slots.

Hot Coco Mini Session


Up to 10 minute session
6 edited digital images
Online gallery
No limit on kids, but if more than 3 kids I suggest to book two time slots.

Christmas Session with Pony


Christmas couch setting with a miniature Pony. These will be hosted on specific dates with limited availability on December 2nd & 3rd.
Up to 20 minute session
15 edited digital images
Online gallery
Up to 5 people, every additional person is $20

Fall Couch Session


Up to 20 minute session
15 edited digital images
Online gallery
Up to five people, every additional person is $20 per person

Fall Truck Session


Up to 20 minute session
15 Edited digital images.
Online gallery
Up to five people every additional person is $20 per person

Package 1


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